Sunday 10 March 2019

8 Ways to Get Rid Of Homosexuality

Perhaps one of the most difficult thing in this world is accepting own sexual orientation and its clearly billion times more difficult when you live in a homophobic society. Thanks to social media, awareness level has increased many folds within a very short period of time. However, the harshest reality is we are still homophobic and making jokes about homosexuality is quite common and acceptable norm in our society. Personally I feel more ashamed when I see my fellow social workers who are extremely vocal about the movement in front of limelight and behind the limelight they are also showing same level of insensitivity towards homosexuals. Under such circumstances there are many who try to get rid of homosexuality through various ways and here I just mentioned most common eight ways that I have witnessed in my life. Again I would like to clarify that blog is based on my personal experiences only.

1. Pretend You Are Not: The very first thing you can do is pretend as straight. Not only in front of others, you have to learn the critical art of pretending to yourself. Though it's a very effective but short term method. Because, eventually you will come to the terms of your own Sexuality. After all how long someone can lie to herself?

2. Insult Homosexuals: I can mention one person who was bullied by her cousin in her early twenties when she was struggling with her own sexual orientation. Back at that time her cousin used to whisper in her ears 'LESBIAN' to make her uncomfortable in different family reunions. I asked her - "Why did you share your personal feelings with someone who is not a trustworthy person at all"? Her reply baffled me. Actually her cousin had slept with her and she came to know about her sexuality in that manner. Later she got involved with a man and tied the knot. Post her marriage she thought she got right to mock someone else, because marriage has 'cured' her sexual orientation. However, that method was also short lived; because, after ten years of marriage her cousin suddenly wanted to rekindle their relationship. Suddenly she was pretty much supportive about entire LGBTQ+ community. Now, what was the reason of that sudden change? Actually, she could not pretend to herself and in front of her husband anymore about her true sexual orientation. Presently, she is carrying the coffin of their marriage all alone.

3. Consult Psychologist: Consult psychologist and attend regular counseling sessions. Personally, I know someone who went to a psychologist to change her sexual orientation and she was paying 1500 INR for each session. That counselor promised her he could and would change her sexual orientation. However, after many sessions presently she is in a live-in relationship with another girl and both of them are doing pretty well. Now all she wants is the refund from that psychologist.

4. Consult Psychiatrist: I can remember at least two incidents where my fellow friends were so determined to deny their sexual orientation that, they even consult psychiatrist and ask for medication. They didn't reveal anything about their truth and instead of that they concocted other stories and started asking for medication for their symptoms. Finally psychiatrist sent them to psychologist and after proper counseling their true identity were revealed in front of themselves and they had to accept the truth. Presently they are living much peaceful lives with their inner truth.

5. Date Someone From Opposite Sex: Yes, many do date opponent sex just to avoid the truth. Now, the most adverse reality of dating is you are involving another person in your own mess. Now either you have to get married or break someone else's heart. I don't know which one is more convenient?

6. Attempt Suicide: You can attempt suicide as I have witnessed many such instances. If you get 'success' in your attempt then you are leaving few living - breathing dead bodies of your near and dear ones behind you for the eternity and if you don't get 'success' then you have to face everyone around you for the rest of your life. I don't know which one is more difficult? Our society can be so insensitive it can extract fun out of any misery. One woman I knew became 'Phenyle Auntie' overnight after her recovery from a failed suicide attempt by consuming Phenyle. Yes, that is our society.

7. Get Married: It is the last and most convenient step to get rid of homosexuality, since, after marriage no one would bother about your homosexuality. I am not against of that option but I would suggest if you have to marry then marry someone from community. At least you can expect safety inside bedroom, but that does not mean you are immune to social pressure. After marriage next pressure would be kid and if both of you are prepare for that then go ahead; otherwise marriage is not a good option for you as well.

8. Have Babies: Recently one of my friend informed me that she is planning for baby. Exactly two years back she got married under family pressure and that was a 'marriage of convenience'. Since her husband was extremely feminine gay, therefore she was confident about her own 'safety'. However, now after two years of marriage she is planning for baby and it's also under social pressure. She is not alone, I have heard many such scenarios and I think it's the ultimate point. Once you have baby then you are stuck for one generation, hence "CONGRATULATIONS!" ...finally you got rid of homosexuality (at least for next one generation you have to suppress your sexual orientation to yourself for the sake of your child.).

I can remember all these eight ways right now. If you have experienced anything additional then please share your experience.

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