Tuesday, 31 March 2020

What Is LGBT Community Travelling Industry?

In Pioneer Tournament one of the applicant has asked me about the concept of ‘worldwide emerging LGBTQ+ community traveling industry’. Basically it’s not new since people of that community must have travelled before; at the same time that concept is absolutely new, because as a ‘community’ they have started emerging very recently and that newly found ‘sense of community’ needs more nurture and nourishment and thanks to modern communication technology, that gives us an upper hand in that journey.
So far it was about ‘an odd couple’ who are enjoying tour with a group of regular heterosexual couples. I have heard about many such incidents where homosexual couples have travelled with heterosexual couples and they could not revealed their true identity; they restrained themselves to display their affection for each other in public; they had to introduce each other as ‘friends’; for lesbian couples they were advised not to travel with another girl; most common question they had to answered that, why they are not married yet and above all constant pressure from the family (specially for women) regarding tour permission.
Now, under Project : Smiling Rainbow, at first group members would meet with each other in a place where their confidentiality would not be compromised at all. They would get to know each other at first through indoor group meets at some place. The next step would be planning one (or, more than one) trip with these groups where group members would get ample opportunities to live in a parallel world where if they are couple they would have the freedom to express their affection for each other, they don’t have to face any unwanted advice or any unwanted situation. Precisely, they can be just themselves. They don’t have to lie about their true orientation and they don’t have to deceive others by portraying themselves as something that they are not.
Most of the members of LGBT+ community suffered from terrible loneliness because they can’t find their ‘other halves’ and another problem they face on constant basis that is the feelings of alienation both at personal and professional level. That constant alienation develops complex psychological crises for them. Therefore, the basic purpose of that project would be offering them a parallel society where they don’t have to struggle to breath due to their sexual orientation. We take oxygen for granted until we start choking and for the members of LGBT+ community that ‘sense of choking’ is eternal. Above all, that project would respect the individual choice of its members of remaining as ‘closeted homosexual’ (specially in a homophobic society) and would respect their privacy at all cost.

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